Tango Guide

Tango V1.0
This program was made by Sören Forsberg.
It is e-mailware so if you like it, drop me a mail.
MailTo: sorenf@hem1.passagen.se
Tango is the eqvivalent of the Network icon in windows.
With Tango you get "easy to use" file and printer sharing between networked computers
running "microsoft network" compatible software.
In short you can by point'n click share files between networked computers running
almost any OS.
More exactly Tango is a gui for samba and smb-handler.
Browse "microsoft network" shares.
Search computers.
Buildt in filehandler with basic commands, ( Copy, Rename, Makedir, Delete )
or open the shares in a Shell/ OS3.5 window/ Magellan lister.
Automaticly mounts/un-mounts shares.
Mounts printers and let you set/change a "default" printer.
Tango does not handle passwords, but user-independent passwords are handeld by smb-handler,
observe that smbhanndler does not encrypt the passwords.
MUI - Magic User Interface. Mui is © by Stefan Stuntz.
NList.mcc © 1996-1998 Gilles Masson
Samba (tested with Samba2.0.6).
Smbhandler (tested with smbhandler 0.12ß).
"Die" from the smb-handler archive in the path "samba:bin/" for instance.
Tcp/IP (Miami/Amitcp, wo)
The above programs correctly installed and configured.
Tcp/ip up and running, prefably autostarted at boot.
Use the installer.
Also install DefaultBrowser.
People keep asking me what "hosts" is, well if you use amitcp it's a file called hosts.
If you use miami it's a setting (Database/host).
All files in this archive is ©Sören Forsberg 1998.
They may be distributed freely as the complete archive.
It is not allowed to separatly upload locales.
If you want to make locales read the readme.
Bugs :
Well probably.. I'm not that good a programmer.
Do not send me bugreports or ask for help.
Bugs will be fixed in due time and I'm most likley to know of them allready.
So just wait for the next version.
If you still send a bugreport or asks for help don't be surprised if "someone" sets you up
for "spam"-mail.
Tested on:
A1200T-AGA/ OS3.5
CD32-SX1/ Magellan
A1200/ OS3.0
Yeah ain't I Great!
Thanks to the ß-testers.
Oscar Hernández Camacho for the spanish locales.
If you are the kind of person who would dry your cat in a microwave-owen then this
is definitley for you. ( If you are north-american you should read it anyhow)
Blabla, this program may destroy something, bla bla,Use at own risk,
do di didum.
(Is the above shit really neccesary?)